Bella Italia!!


Glorious glorious times in Italy for the wonderful wedding of Josh and Jess! I met Jess at Arana hall in Dunedin, along with the lovely ladies above (although the majority are also from Invercargill). This was the merry post-ceremony room where we enjoyed some champers, and immense amounts of amazing tempura – with the finale of courgette flowers.


View from our room in the villa, which can hold over 100 people! Ville Catignano – the best!!


After an amazing dinn dins consisting of fresh italian produce that was so soft  and succulent, and complemented beautifully by the most delectable Italian wines, we all went outside and lit lanterns to float into the night sky. The perfect way to ensure everyone is up and ready to dance the night away!


Book of Mormon


Alas, unable to take actual photos of the show, but we went to the ‘Book of Mormon’ musical with Scott and Sarah. Developed by the makers of South Park, it brings all of the in your face hilarity to life with great costumers, outrageous lyrics and general bombardement.

Launching the mobile kitchen!



Here we have Malte (who came over from Germany with Per to help us build the bike) and Joanna cooking up a storm on our fully functional mobile kitchen!! The launch day was one of the best kitchens we have had yet, with superb food, great entertainment with a dj and two live performances and arts and crafts. More exciting times ahead as we take the kitchen to new locations in Lambeth! You can find out more here:

qt road finale


final wines at 24a queenstown road, where scott, sarah, ange and gen have lived for 4 years! This is where we stayed whenever we came to london, and where we have been oft since moving here  – end of an era!

Building a mobile kitchen



Took the day off work to head to the Remakery and help build the mobile kitchen for the brixton people’s kitchen. Satisfying stuff, sanding and painting in the sun and seeing it all come together! You can see more photos of the build and find out more about the project on our flickr page here.

Hens in london


Gorgeous group of 80’s ladies convened on the shores of the Thames for Jessie Vallely’s London hens! After lunch in the sun it was off to life drawing classes where it felt like we learnt some great new drawing skills.


After a delicious vietnamese dinns, we all went to the ‘book club’ for some silent disco and dancing times. 80’s dress ups fitted in nicely!




Less than ideal photo, but just wanted to share the joy that it was to see the canadian punk band propagandhi play at electric ballroom. if you like heavier music then give them a listen, they are brilliant. amazing tunes, considered content.


what’s that glowing thing in the sky?



Oh that’s right, it’s this thing called the sun and it finally decided to come out and play. I got to sew some bean and pumpkin seeds on clapham common with bandstand beds, then met cam and scott for some beers in the sun. So great to feel warm again!

Meadow planting



I have been helping set up a wildflower meadow planting project on estates for work, which has involved setting up fun days where we paint pots, make seed bombs and sew the wildflower meadows! Above is the sewing happening on Cotton Gardens estate.