1st Mai
May 1, 2010
Perused Kreuzberg on 1st of May, International Workers’ Day, where streets were blocked off with multiple stages, many food and beverage vendors and, at this point, more of a sprinkling of police. Things heated up as the day progressed with more and more police for when the “demonstrations” commenced. Didn’t seem too chaos when we checked into Kottbusser Tor at midnight though.
Storm troopers
April 30, 2010
Nath perusaded me to get a photog in front of the Police on our way home from seeing an exhibtion at ‘Tape’. A kerfuffle involving pepper spray erupted after this moment although Cam and I were unawares at the time, enjoying chatting with some Germans. Seeing a couple of guys depart the scene dropping stones from their pockets, however, demonstrated some of the angst about the place leading up to ‘May Day’.
Market + sun = glory day
April 25, 2010
Checked out a newly established Flohmarkt in Friedrichshain, even sold some “NZ” fudge at our friend Fine’s stall. Cam and our flatmate Yong Sam were escaping the people, but not the sun. Finished the day with a delightful NZ rendez-vous at Paula’s in Neukoln, where we also realised it was Anzac day!
Tuckshop time
April 23, 2010
Heading home after a night out, care for a pastry or something from my wide selection of alcohol – bottle of Jagi, Vodka, or your alltime fave – the Sternberg?
Mehr time in Mauer
April 11, 2010
Alas, was chillytime weekend when Aimee came to stay, but we made up for it with prosperous purchasing in the Prenzlauerberg region including the primary Sonntag attraction: main man Mauer.
April 8, 2010
Being a ground floor dweller we had thought parks were the only space for sunshine, that is, until we found….the ROOF.
Video Kill time
April 7, 2010
Went to experience a plethora of video and audio treats at ‘Video Kills’ at the HBC, unfortunately beers at home delayed us from most of the screenings but did catch some video feedback by a guy called Merlyn Chipman.
Muggelstrasse festivities
March 26, 2010
Our flat hosted a black’n’white soiree with much prosecco delivered, chats enabled and sushi consumed.
high degrees
March 25, 2010
A 20 degree day called for bike ride, food and beer in park.