Author: admin

bbq by the runway

Here we have Sam preparing the music setup and Nicole some delicious kebabs for a bbq at Tempelhof airport at sunset. Below we have Cam mastering the ready to light bbq, although soon after this was taken we were told by park security that a bbq must be 20 cm from the ground to use […]

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dinner out

wandered about bergmann kiez in search of some cheap and good indian eats. Got the cheap sorted with cam and I going on a gorge fest, and tasted pretty good. unnecessary beer confusions, fruit flies in the wine and non-descript bland soup being key detractors – wouldn’t recommend.

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sun, beers, park, TT

a sunny sunday greeted us and lured us to a very busy Mauer park (above and below), where there is a large and most excellent flea market and park where karaoke is the go (in the background above). I usually have table tennis paddles with me these days, so could enjoy some  game in the […]

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Table tennis, Tempelhof, a good day

After the “time warp” (our hallway guest room with no windows) claimed another victim, we got out and about to play the first round of table tennis at our local haunt and enjoy some cold and refreshing petrol station beers (below), then listened to the bands coming from the Berlin music festival at the Tempelhof terminal […]

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Latham arrival

We were happy to collect Latham from Hauptbahnhof after nearly 3 years since our last meet up! beers in hand for berlin exploration and many many catch up tales.

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more sunny eve time

more sunset joy in the lounge with soft purple and pink light about, cam on the couch and fresh out of the oven homemade pizza in the fore.

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QUERGÄNGE in Marzahn

We went out East on a sunny Sunday evening for the group exhibition “QUERGÄNGE” that our old flatmate Dylan organised, and current flatmate Yannick was also a part of. Here we have Cam with Inga, Isaak and Soyan in front of Isaac’s installation. Below is the gigantasaur mall that dominates across from the Marzahn S […]

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Home dinns

after a few weeks of time away and friends in town, we sat down to a delicious home cooked lasagne with scott and our flatmate Christina, who also made a most excellent apple crumble pie. belly getting happier with more vegies and less beer.    

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mauer park and fare wells

we made it to mauer park before most of the team headed back to London. above is Morrisson, Possum and Cam, who is holding the camera Morri got for him from the markets – with the intention of pulling it apart for parts. after saying bye to everyone, cam, scott and i went to my […]

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