Category: Uncategorized

on holiday in berlin

had a great day out on Saturday, doing some winter shopping, cafe embracing and general Berlin exploration for the festival of lights. Above is Cam in front of the well lit Brandenburger Tor, one of many landmarks emblazened in light, with the “face” projection by Potsdamer Platz below. We also checked out a book store […]

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indoor table tennis

the 14th of Oktober was our Spanish flatmate Uri’s 23rd birthday so we embraced a sugary rum concoction, cake and indoor table tennis! The table is single player only and consisted of our dining table and bits of scrap card. Here we have Cam and Uri in mid-point dispute.

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Spreewald park and Soviet memorial

been intending to get to these two sites since coming to Berlin: abandonned “Spreepark” aumsement park and the memorial to the Soviet soldiers. Found out that you can go to a cafe in the amusement park and from there get a 2 euro train that takes you right around the park, to see the disbanded […]

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we had the merry man sam latham return to the berlin midst. this day there was a 3 kebab count, many beers and here wine at “Weinerei” where you pay 2 euros for your glass, then fill them up as you like and pay for how much you drunk in a jar at the door!! […]

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Geburtstag and Anniversary in Bad Saarow

29th of September marks Cam’s birthday (28 this year) and when we first got together (7 years this year) – so we decided to have a getaway day to Bad Saarow (that’s the name of the place). It’s an hour out of Berlin, by a large lake and has a great thermal pools complex which […]

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Sports day in Berlin

there was no sport’s day intention at the start of this saturday – a morning of watching both rugby union AND rugby league at torsten and lisa’s must have inspired it. from their house we had some Table Tennis battles (cam and torsten above), where cam was the reigning champ. beers in the street, we […]

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bbq by the runway

Here we have Sam preparing the music setup and Nicole some delicious kebabs for a bbq at Tempelhof airport at sunset. Below we have Cam mastering the ready to light bbq, although soon after this was taken we were told by park security that a bbq must be 20 cm from the ground to use […]

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dinner out

wandered about bergmann kiez in search of some cheap and good indian eats. Got the cheap sorted with cam and I going on a gorge fest, and tasted pretty good. unnecessary beer confusions, fruit flies in the wine and non-descript bland soup being key detractors – wouldn’t recommend.

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sun, beers, park, TT

a sunny sunday greeted us and lured us to a very busy Mauer park (above and below), where there is a large and most excellent flea market and park where karaoke is the go (in the background above). I usually have table tennis paddles with me these days, so could enjoy some  game in the […]

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