Category: Uncategorized

Tuckshop time

Heading home after a night out, care for a pastry or something from my wide selection of alcohol – bottle of Jagi, Vodka, or your alltime fave – the Sternberg?

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Mehr time in Mauer

Alas, was chillytime weekend when Aimee came to stay, but we made up for it with prosperous purchasing in the Prenzlauerberg region including the primary Sonntag attraction: main man Mauer.

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Being a ground floor dweller we had thought parks were the only space for sunshine, that is, until we found….the ROOF.

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Video Kill time

Went to experience a plethora of video and audio treats at ‘Video Kills’ at the HBC, unfortunately beers at home delayed us from most of the screenings but did catch some video feedback by a guy called Merlyn Chipman.

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Muggelstrasse festivities

Our flat hosted a black’n’white soiree with much prosecco delivered, chats enabled and sushi consumed.

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high degrees

A 20 degree day called for bike ride, food and beer in park.

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Marks Amazing Crab Hand

Mark blows through town for a yarn/update on the going-ons and shows me his nippers

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With the snow dissolved and the sun beaming we had first days on the Rad fahren. A tattered and torn booze cruise without the booze.

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Berlin history time

With visitors from Brussells and London it was time to undertake a ‘Berlin walking tour’ which spliced together Berlin’s immense history into a brief 3 and a half hours amongst sun speckles and snow flurries.

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