Den Haag!
August 16, 2014
Off to den Haag – a 1 hour journey from Amsterdam and home to extreme oldness of government buildings, the ‘Binnenhof”. Here are mum and I at the back of Binnenhof on our way to the Peace Palace – the home of international law.
‘The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp’ is the above painting by Rembrandt. Gruesome, but it sticks in my mind as it was described in a great book called Ámsterdam’ by Russell Shorto that I was given when moving here. Highly recommend both reading that book and going to the ‘Mauritshuis’ museum in the Hague where you can see the painting and many other well knowns, such as ‘Girl with a Pearl Earring’ by Vermeer.
And then off to the beach! So excellent to get to the ocean and see the clouds flying along the lands. Think it is the first time that I walked up to a beach though – seeing the crazy levels below sea level in action.