Rambling in Kent!
February 2, 2013
Cam and I were stoked to be able to go with Camilla and Rafa to Tunbridge Wells for the weekend, to stay with her parents and exlpore some countryside. Above we have Rafa, Cam and Camilla’s dad Andrew on our ‘ramble’ through the countryside – it was like Jane Austen meets Sylvannian Families, glorious!
camilla’s mum joti took this photo of Cam, Camilla, Emma, Rafa and Andrew enjoying the rambling. wellingtons were essential!
These ‘Oast houses’ are a familiar feature in Kent. They used to dry the hops in there, but now most are converted into homes.
woodland wonders.
the finale of the ramble was in Goudhurst where everything was exceptionally old and very cute, even this graveyard.
In the Tunbridge Wells town on the way to the ‘Pan tiles’ – don’t know who that lady is. accidental photo bomb.
The somewhat awkward self-timer with emma dominating the front, then around the table is camlla, rafa, andrew, joti, cam and camilla’s brother simon. we had a lovely dinn dinns with honeyed pumpkin and spinach chickpeas and freshly baked bread – delightful times!